3. Initial Ideas
Before I started to look at specific ideas for my final piece, I chose to develop ideas from my research by taking a photo-shoot to experiment with different angles, positions and faces.
This was a success as I managed to recreate photos from research such as Haejung Lee, Silke Werzinger and Ricardo Fumanal.
One particularly successful portrait that I took was of couple, Fran and Adam, as they recreated an image from Agnes Cecile's research. Evidently, this picture was better than my first attempt with Ryan and Maddy, who are friends, as they didn't have the same natural chemistry and there was too much of a height difference to create the right effect.
To create similarities between my artist research and my own work, I used females for the majority of the shoot; however, I used a few males to create more diversity and variety among the pictures I developed from the shoot.
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